
Friday, June 09, 2006

Guilty pleasures

It's 11am and I have just spent a blissful half hour induging in my guilty pleasure..... intrigued? Well, picture the scene. A glorious sunny day, (23.5 degrees according to the car),driving through beautiful tree clad country lanes with the windows down, feeling the warmth of the sun on my arm (warmth which has now turned it a lovely shade of pink). Perfect.... except that was just pleasure. The guilty part........ the music I'm listening to ....The Black Eyed Peas. Ok, hardly a crime and indeed guilt may be the wrong word. But everytime I select CD 4 on the player I feel it's slightly wrong, slightly inappropriate. That I should be listening to music more suitable to someone my age - whatever that may be.

I defy anyone to look inside themselves and not find such a pleasure lurking somewhere! The key thing is realising it, then you can enjoy it all the more.


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