Right! New positive attitude, new resolutions, new everything. Am going to write something on here a few times a week. Okay, so with that there may be a correlation between positivity and a rapid deterioration of the waffle I churn out. Ah well, am sure some gems will manifest themselves occassionally! Plus of course this whole exercise is a cathartic, self indulgent exercise, I hardly feel Booker prize material being produced.
The reason for this? Well it will help my typing skills, being sat infront of a computer makes me feel powerful (only kidding - sitting on my bed, balancing my laptop on my knees whilst simultaneously trying not to drop special K bar crumbs in the keyboard is probably the antitheses of power) Anyway don't particularly want to be powerful. Though for years I have always harboured a desire to have a job which involves wearing clip cloppy shoes. (Ok, sounding a bit like a child in a dressing up box now!) and I figure the more I write the more competent I should become. Either that or I'll realise that I really have no skills in this area so should stop now!
Along with this new found positivity (not quite sure where it has come from!) I also plan to be less introspective. I want the old me back, the me who has fun, who laughs at the stupidest of things (more often than not myself!) giggling uncontrollably, who is inspired who is motivated, who is full of energy and just enjoys life. Plus I wouldn't mind a few extras on the side - Well everything can be improved upon. So make that thighs/bum/abs/arms to die for (ok, total body overhaul!), hair a al shampoo commercial (as in grows down as opposed to out) and a talent in something.
The desire to have a talent in something leads me to a conversation I had with friends last night(yes, I do have friends, though from the self indulgence of the last few posts you'd be forgiven for thinking I live alone on an island in the middle of nowhere). Somehow the topic of conversation got onto the Olympics and 2012 and how we'll be too old to compete. Actually at this point alarm bells should have been ringing that in actual fact it is my lack of athletic prowess that is stopping me competing, not my age! Yet that factor didn't appear to figure much in my thought processes. So there we were wondering which sports we could possbibly stand a vague chance of learning/becoming world class at/being selected for Olympics. The answer handball (apparently not overly popular) or archery (age may be less of a handicap). So the next step. Well get myself a ball and start playing catch I imagine!
...either that or take a bit of a reality check and look for a slightly more attainable goal. So it looks like i'm heading off to space.
Ah well we all have to dream
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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