Dream jobs
I unashamedly have stolen this idea from a conversation I had with friends recently. (who incidently are the sum total of my regular blog readers, so they'll just have to put up with a moment of deja vous)
Music, It's a powerful medium. We use it to create, elevate and reflect mood. For me it is also the foundation of my alternative career. The one i'd do if only..... (well I don't know if only what).
I defy anyone to say that they don't have a dream job. Just think for a few minutes and you'll surely be able to think of a job that you wished you had the opportunity to do. For the most part it's totally unattainable, like for instance being a supermodel. Or, at the very least impractical. But that's almost the point, it's a pipedream, an indulgence, something you don't have to take responsibility for. You know that this dream won't result in endless rounds of job interviews.
My early teenage years were spend pouring over Stage magazine in the vague hope I'd see open auditions for my dream job. To sing on stage in the West End. I gave it a lot of thought, too much thought probably. The reality is that such jobs probably did come up, but I chose not to see them. Hence I'm a nurse!
However, should someone come up to me today and offer me the part of Cosette in Les Miserables I'd be there in a shot. But therein lies the crux of the matter. Someone will not just wander up to me on the street and offer me this job. I will not be talent spotted as I make up little songs to sing to the patients. If I truely wanted to change career I'd be out there attending endless auditions and tracking down the opportunity.
So, i've figured on a compromise - open mic session. Okay, so I won't be there performing showtunes in a pub. But I'm sure I can find a suitable alternative. So now rather than pouring over Stage magazine, I'm sat trawling through itunes searching for inspiration! Any ideas gratefully received!
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